Project Description



CFI-Bethel is located in the community of El-Porvenir, municipality of Tutule in the Province of La Paz, Honduras. It is a mountainous area and coffee is the main crop cultivated in this region which is the primary source of income for families. Often, many kids from rural areas study until the 6th grade due to lack of resources or the need to travel daily to the nearest town to continue their education.


According to the Statistics Institute in Honduras, a high percentage of children attend until sixth grade, but only 39.5% of students continue studying through middle school.  In addition, the illiteracy rate in Honduras is still at 14.9% and more than a half of them are young people between the ages of 15 – 25 years old. Consequently, this results in a series of social problems like early pregnancy, juvenile delinquency and drug use among others.

Educatodos Program: It is an alternative distance-learning program where students attend classes once a week. It is endorsed by the Honduran government and targets kids that are unable to continue studying after 6thgrade, mainly for lack of finances. We provide computer literacy at both CFI centers. The use of technology also helps to enrich and expand their English class that is part of the Educatodos curriculum.

Agricultural Training: In 2019, as an extra curricular class, CFI Bethel students will take different trainings at  the new Agricultural Training Site founded by Mathew & Ellen Zell who are missionaries from Equip International.

Community Service: Facilitate small projects/initiatives where students can participate in giving back to their community. The objective of this program is to instill a sense of responsibility and service for these young people that participate in our programs.

Outreach Through Sports:   These are activities designed to promote not only exercise for our students, but also to develop their character through Biblical reflections that are given before they play and through caring relationships with these teenagers. In addition, we want to instill teamwork, respect and leadership, all while having fun.

Students Drop Out After Elementary School
Illiteracy Rate


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